
workers in protective gear pouring molten bronze into a mold

September 2017

In the early 20th century, as construction crews built the seawall around the western tip of Jamestown Island, they encountered a bronze bell fragment. They did […]

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Tour watching excavating archaeologists

August 2017

For the past few years between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Jamestown Rediscovery’s seasonal archaeologists have worked on weekends. All are former students in Rediscovery’s summer […]

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Archaeologists excavating above outlined grave shafts

July 2017

Thanks to precise and patient trowel work by staff and intern archaeologists, the east churchyard site opened by the 2017 Jamestown Field School students finally yielded […]

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Aerial view of four excavation units

June 2017

Under the guidance of Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists in June, students in the 2017 Archaeological Field School opened new test units east of the churchyard. Our goals […]

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Archaeologists recording the location of excavated features within the floor of a brick church

May 2017

During May, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeology team made major progress in the 1906 Memorial Church as we continued to excavate the interior. Since we began in […]

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Archaeologist excavates under granite tombstone

April 2017

During April, the Jamestown Rediscovery team continued excavations in the 1907 Memorial Church, site of three historic Jamestown churches. They focused on the Knight’s Tombstone and […]

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Excavation trench

March 2017

Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists continued excavations in the 1907 Memorial Church this March, focusing on the foundations of the 1617 church. For decades visitors have been able […]

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Archaeologist reaching into excavated corner

February 2017

This February, new discoveries in the Memorial Church boosted the Jamestown Rediscovery team’s optimism that more evidence of the third, fourth, and fifth churches on the […]

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Aerial view of archaeologist documenting excavations in brick church

January 2017

Although the recent tests in and around the church have been small, they have provided the team with invaluable explanations regarding previous excavations in the early […]

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Archaeologist recording with total station in brick church

December 2016

Periodically and weather permitting, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological staff is continuing field work during the winter months. Our primary focus is to expand excavations in the […]

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1617 carved into tile

November 2016

This November, Jamestown Rediscovery completed uncovering James Fort’s 1608 extension, which was first discovered back in 2003. In 2003, while working at the north bulwark, archaeologists […]

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Large group listens to tour guide while archaeologists record finds

October 2016

Following the completion of the well excavation in September, the Jamestown Rediscovery team concentrated on finishing their excavations of Structure 193’s cellar, located at 1608 James […]

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