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June 2011

The archaeological field school is in full swing and the Jamestown Rediscovery staff is using the extra manpower to conduct excavations in three separate areas of […]

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May 2011

Excavations are steadily progressing to the north and west in an effort to uncover the rest of the archaeological remains of James Fort’s 1608 church, the […]

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April 2011

The 2011 dig season has started and excavations are currently focused on two early-fort-period structures located within the triangular footprint of James Fort. The Jamestown Rediscovery […]

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March 2011

As the archaeological field crew prepares to head back out to the fort site to continue their excavations of the 1608 church, the conservation and curatorial […]

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February 2011

The Jamestown Rediscovery curatorial team continues to sort through the piles and piles of animal bones found in a 1609 well, probably the fort’s first. The […]

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January 2011

A pistol found in the bottom of a well in James Fort is being conserved collaboratively by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (CWF) and Jamestown Rediscovery teams. […]

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Church named Top 10 find in the world in 2010

Archaeology Magazine has named the 1608 church found at Jamestown one of the ten most significant archaeological discoveries of 2010. Discovered by a team of Historic […]

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December 2010

In late November and early December the field crew spent several weeks repairing and building interpretive structures on the James Fort landscape. This included annual maintenance […]

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November 2010

With winter a month away, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists are preparing the James Fort site for its annual respite from their shovels and trowels. Large sections […]

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October 2010

Another posthole from James Fort’s 1608 church has surfaced at the northernmost extent of the church excavation area. This new posthole is 12 feet from the […]

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September 2010

Before continuing the excavations of what is probably the fort’s first substantial church—a process that will likely span well into next year’s dig season—the Jamestown Rediscovery […]

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August 2010

William Strachey, secretary of the Virginia colony, described Jamestown’s church as such in a letter to an acquaintance in England in 1610. The Jamestown Rediscovery team […]

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