2019 marked the 400th anniversary of two significant events in English North America: the first representative assembly and the arrival of the first Africans. For the past several years, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists have been working on sites associated with both events. Early in 2019, the team completed the excavations within the 1906 Memorial Church on the 1617 church where the first assembly met. In the following months, new excavation areas around the Memorial church’s exterior and near the APVA entrance gate were explored. Jamestown Rediscovery, in partnership with the National Park Service, continued to excavate and research the Angela Site, looking for new information about where one of the First Africans, a woman listed as Angela, lived and worked. The Memorial Church reopened, and the team has been developing new interpretive information on the recent findings for the space. A new exhibit focusing on the legacies of 1619 also debuted in the Archaearium in April.

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