1611 results found for:

June 2018

 In June, the Rediscovery archaeologists at the Angela Site in New Town opened new units in their search for Captain William Pierce’s house, where one […]

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Powhatan’s World And Colonial Virginia

Powhatan’s World And Colonial Virginia: A Conflict Of Cultures

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May 2018

 In May, Jamestown Rediscovery added five new archaeologists to the team who will be working through the summer. New staff members include Chardé Reid and […]

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Media Coverage

Finding the grave thought to belong to Governor Sir George Yeardley, who presided over the first representative assembly, attracted media attention. Learn more about this discovery […]

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Final Passages

Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 1619-1807

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Savage Kingdom

Savage Kingdom: The True Story of Jamestown, 1607, and the Settlement of America

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The Complete Works Of John Smith, 1580-1631 Volume II

Edited by the late Philip L. Barbour, acknowledged as the leading authority on Captain John Smith, this annotated three-volume work is the only modern edition of […]

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The Complete Works Of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631 Volume I

Edited by the late Philip L. Barbour, acknowledged as the leading authority on Captain John Smith, this annotated three-volume work is the only modern edition of […]

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The Complete Works Of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631 Volume III

Edited by the late Philip L. Barbour, acknowledged as the leading authority on Captain John Smith, this annotated three-volume work is the only modern edition of […]

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Why Yeardley?

Why could this be Governor Sir George Yeardley? In 2018, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists completed excavation of one of the 1617 church’s earliest and most-prominently-positioned graves, believed […]

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Scientific Analyses

The Jamestown Rediscovery team is currently working with specialists to collect and analyze evidence to try to prove whether the man buried in the chancel grave […]

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The Grave in the Chancel

Over the past several years Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists have been excavating the site of the 1617 church and have unearthed portions of its original foundations and […]

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