

Jamestown in Tsenacommacah Poster



Every October, Virginia celebrates archaeology through special events and programs at libraries, museums, historical societies, clubs, and at active archaeological sites. In 2022, Virginia’s Department of Historic Resources partnered with Jamestown Rediscovery to develop its Archaeology Month poster. The theme of the 2022 Archaeology Month poster is “Jamestown in the Land of Tsenacommacah

The poster’s first side features an overhead photograph of a table full of Virginia Indian pottery with the following caption:

“This table of Roanoke simple-stamped ceramics represents a small fraction of Virginia Indian pottery recovered from contexts dating before 1610. The excavations at James Fort have revealed evidence of support and cross-cultural exchanges between the English and the people of Tsenacommacah, commonly referred to as the Powhatan.”

The reverse side of the poster presents a photographic compilation which highlights the diverse cultural resources of this site, Jamestown Rediscovery’s present-day role in honoring them, and our shared responsibility to preserve them from environmental threats.


Read more about Virginia Indians and their artifacts here.

Additional information

Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 18 in