
Jamestown Rediscovery Decal



The Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation (JRF) is committed to supporting preservation, education, and the archaeological investigation of Historic Jamestowne, the original site of the first successful English settlement in America. Since its founding in 1994, JRF’s archaeologists have uncovered the location of the 1607 James Fort, as well as over 3 million artifacts.

In 1608 Captain John Smith prepared two hand-drawn maps of James Fort and eastern Virginia to send back to England. While both maps are now lost, one drawing known as the Zúñiga map still survives.

Pedro de Zúñiga was the Spanish ambassador stationed in London. He obtained a copy of Smith’s map and smuggled it to King Philip III to inform him of English progress in colonizing North America.

This image of James Fort depicted on the Zúñiga map is used as the logo for the Jamestown Rediscovery project.

Click here to learn more about the Zúñiga map of James Fort.


Show your support for Jamestown Rediscovery with this 3.25″x5″ vinyl decal!

Printed in the USA.