116 results found for: 1617 Church

October 2019

 In October, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists focused on completing projects around the 1907 Memorial Church and in James Fort. Simultaneously, the crew also prepared for a […]

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June 2019

 In early June, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists at the Angela Site completed excavations around a brick kiln they discovered in March. Based on the artifacts associated […]

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April 2019

 This April, Jamestown Rediscovery opened two new exhibits. The first marked the exact spot where democracy began in English North America with the first General […]

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March 2019

 As the weather improved, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists at the Angela Site backfilled areas opened in 2017 and investigated a couple of new areas to the […]

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February 2019

 Records of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (APVA, now Preservation Virginia) indicate that over the centuries, the remains of the 17th-century brick […]

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January 2019

 After completing excavations in the 1906 Memorial Church in December, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists shifted their focus to the interior of Jamestown’s iconic brick church tower. […]

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2019 marked the 400th anniversary of two significant events in English North America: the first representative assembly and the arrival of the first Africans. For the […]

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December 2018

  Despite being slowed by rain and snow, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists at the Angela Site spent the end of November and December opening two additional 5’ […]

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November 2018

 When Jamestown Rediscovery began excavations in the 1906-07 Memorial Church, archaeologists hoped excavations would answer several questions regarding the three 17th century churches built in […]

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October 2018

 As the excavations in the 1906 Memorial Church began to wind down, Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists devoted the last couple of weeks to investigating a back-filled […]

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August 2018

  This month’s update continues with details about the excavation and analysis of the “Grave in the Aisle,” which began the end of July. Jamestown Rediscovery […]

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July 2018

  Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists are normally busy during the summer, but this July they kicked things into high gear! On July 6th, the Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation […]

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