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July 2010

The 2010 field school is over, but this year’s students uncovered some very interesting features before heading home. Numerous graves have been found, most of which […]

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June 2010

Excavations near the church tower are progressing quickly now that the field school is in session and several extra sets of hands are busily digging and […]

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May 2010

Work has shifted to an area along the east palisade wall just south of the church tower. Three 10’x10′ squares are currently being excavated here inside […]

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April 2010

With the arrival of warm weather, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological team has headed back outdoors to continue excavations at James Fort. Near the center of the […]

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March 2010

Conservators from the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological project and Colonial Williamsburg are working on a pistol found in a well in James Fort in 2006. Largely intact […]

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February 2010

The Jamestown Rediscovery conservation and curatorial staff have their hands full with the thousands of artifacts excavated from the fort’s first well in 2009. Senior Conservator […]

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January 2010

With the archaeologists out of the field, work now shifts inside to report writing, working on the digital archive, and research, among many other things. In […]

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December 2009

The Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological team has concluded its excavations of an early well at the center of James Fort. A wooden barrel was found at the bottom, used […]

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November 2009

A wooden barrel has been discovered about eleven feet deep into an early 17th-century well. The barrel was used as a lining to keep the clay […]

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October 2009

The Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological team has hit moist soil about 9 and 1/2 feet deep into an early 17th-century well. The well is located very close […]

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September 2009

Digging deeper and deeper into a well near the center of James Fort, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological team continues to find hundreds of artifacts each day as […]

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August 2009

Excavations have reached a depth of about 6 feet in a very early well at the center of James Fort. There has been no let-up for […]

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