1611 results found for:


1595-1606 Pocahontas was “the most deare and wel-beloved” daughter of Powhatan, the powerful chief of the Algonquian Indians in the Tidewater region of Virginia. The man also […]

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Note from the Curators

Unparalleled. Rich. surprising. In one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times, the Jamestown Rediscovery Project has located the original James Fort site established by […]

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Kitchen and Cellar

The Common Kettle Situated ten feet to the east and oriented with the cellar that housed James Fort’s first well was this L-shaped cellar. The cellar […]

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Corps de Garde

Possible Guardhouse Near the northern corner of the fort, archaeologists have uncovered the telltale signature of a small mud-and-stud building. Many buildings in the fort that […]

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1608 Church

A Pretty Chapel In 2010, archaeological excavations located the first substantial church built at Jamestown. It was here that Powhatan’s favored daughter, Pocahontas, married John Rolfe […]

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James Fort’s First Well

A Faire Well of Fresh Water Located near the geographic center of James Fort and connected to the storehouse was a large rectangular cellar with a […]

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The Barracks

A Mud-and-Stud Cottage A series of stains in the soil, left from a rectangular configuration of holes from decayed structural wooden posts, and a cellar that […]

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East Bulwark

The First Line of Defense The east bulwark or bastion of James Fort was located in December of 1995. The first indication of this feature was […]

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Powder Magazine

Powder Magazine A circular feature, roughly 15 feet across and 6 feet deep was found in the southeast bulwark. It has straight sides and a flat […]

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John White’s House

A Jamestown Warehouse The middle of the 1620s saw James Fort decline in importance as Jamestown came into its own as the capital of the Virginia […]

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The Factory

An Outpost for Trade The excavations of a 50′ palisade wall trench extending east from the triangular James Fort revealed a mud-and-stud building. This building was […]

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Fort Extension

The Colony Expands to the East The initial triangular fort of 1607 was ultimately expanded toward the east. Evidence of the addition has been found in […]

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