Comprehensive Bibliography

studies relating to the jamestown rediscovery archaeology project

Agbe-Davies, Anna. 2004 “Up in Smoke: Pipe Making, Smoking, and Bacon’s Rebellion.” Dissertation in Anthropology presented to University of Pennsylvania.

Andrews, Susan Trevarthen. 2008 “Faunal Analysis of James Fort: Structure 166, Pit 5, Pit 8, Pit 9, Pit 10, and Pit 11.” Unpublished report on file at the Jamestown Rediscovery Center.

Andrews, Susan, Joanne Bowen, and Stephen Atkins. 2024. “More Than Just Food: What 25 Years of Faunal Analysis Has Revealed about Jamestown, Virginia.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology

Archer, Steven. 2006 “Jamestown 1611 Well: Archaeobotanical Analysis Report Prepared for Historic Jamestowne.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Balazik, Matthew, Greg C. Garman, Michael L. Fine, Christian H. Hager, and Stephen P. McIninch. 2010 “Changes in age composition and growth characteristics of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) over 400 years,” Biology Letters, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 708-10

Bevan, Bruce. 1991 “The Search for Graves,” Geophysics 56:9, pp. 1310-19.

______ 1994 “A Geophysical Search for the Early Fort at Jamestown.” Unpublished report, Geosight, Pitman, New Jersey.

______ 1995 “A Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey Near the Church at Jamestown Island.” Unpublished report, Geosight, Pitman, New Jersey.

______ 2001 “Geophysical Detection of Brick Structures.” Geosight Technical Report No. 7.

______ 2001 “Magnetic and Conductivity Surveys at Structure 163 and 165.” Unpublished report for Eric Deetz and the Rediscovery Center, on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2003 “The Magnetic Map of a Fireplace Base.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2009 “Geophysical Tests in James Fort.” Unpublished report conducted on Structure 185 (John Smith’s well) on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Blades, Brooke, John Hennessy, and David Orr. 1993 “Magnetometer Survey, APVA Portion of Jamestown Island, Virginia.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Blanton, Dennis and Carter Hudgins. 2005 “Archaeological Evidence for Native Prestige Commodity Devaluation: An Example from the Chesapeake Associated with the Jamestown Colony.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Blanton, Dennis B., Veronica Deitrick, and Kara Bartels. 2001 “Brief and True Report of Projectile Points from Jamestown Rediscovery as of December 1998,” The Journal of the Rediscovery Center Vol. 1 William & Mary Center for Archaeological Research.

Boulter, Stuart and Rhodri Gardner. 2005 APVA Excavations at Shelley & Stowmarket Churches, Suffolk (SHY 004 & SKT 015).

Bowen, Joanne and Susan Trevarthen Andrews. 2000 “The Starving Time at Jamestown. Faunal Analysis of Pit 1, Pit 3, the Bulwark Ditch, Ditch 6, Ditch 7, and Midden 1.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Bowen, Joanne, Susan T. Andrews, and Stephen C. Atkins. 2021 “Jamestown Colony: From Food Dependence to Food Independence; Faunal Analysis for Second Well (JR2158): Layers H, N, P, U, X, and AA”. Report to Jamestown Rediscovery, Jamestown, VA.

Brown, Daniel. 2005 “The Palisade Project© A Time and Motion Study.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Buck, Susan. 2001 Jamestown Mortar Samples (JR5017A) Jamestown Virginia: Cross-Section Microscopy Report. Historic Paint Services, 28 Sumner Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459.

Budd, Paul and Janet Montgomery. “Combined Pb-,Sr-and O-isotope Analysis of Tooth Enamel from JR102C (a 17th century individual from Jamestown, Virginia, USA) and related samples.” ArchaeoTrace Gibraltar House, Halifax UK, 200 typescript, 8 pages, mss, on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Carlson, Jenna Kay. 2014 Preliminary Report: Analysis of the Horse Skeleton Recovered from Jamestown Island, Virginia. College of William and Mary Department of Anthropology.

Carson, Cary, Willie Graham, Carl Loundsbury, and Martha McCartney. 2002 “Description and Analysis of Structure 144.” The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and Research Division.

Claiborne, Elaine. 2002 “JR 1101 Well Water Analysis.” Unpublished analytical data on file at the Rediscovery Center. James R. Reed and Associates Newport News, Virginia.

Clement, Steve. 2007 Geoarchaeology at Historic Jamestown. in Geology of Jamestown and the Lower James River Basin (37th annual Virginia Geological Field Conference). Ed. C.M. Bailey and M.H. Lamoreaux.

Correll-Walls, Catherine and Joanna Martin. 10/2004 “Genealogy of the Maternal Lineage of Bartholomew Gosnold.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Crenshaw, James and Ross Deaver. 2001 “Petrographic Report of Hardened Mortar: Ludwell Statehouses.” Froehling and Robertson Incorporated, Richmond, Virginia. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Deetz, Eric. 2001 “Architecture of Early Virginia: An Analysis of the Origins of the Earth Fast Tradition.” MA Thesis, Archaeology and Heritage School of Archaeological Studies University of Leicester.

______ 2005 “Phase II, Excavations for the Proposed Joint Lab/Curatorial Facility Jamestown Island, James City County, Virginia.” Submitted to Colonial National Historic Park. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Derry, Emma. 2025. “Faceted Finds: Lapidary Beads at Jamestown, Virginia.” International Journal of Historical Archaeology

Derry, Emma 2019, Glass and Lapidary Beads at Jamestown: An Updated Assessment. Beads: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers. Vol 31. P.39-49.

Elders, Joseph and Simon Mays. 2005 “Comments on the report: ’Mitochondrial DNA sampling at Shelley Church, Suffolk county, England’ by Drs Douglas Owsley and Kari Bruwelheide” Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Christian Burials in England (APACBE).

Elks, David. 2005 “Geophysical Survey Report: All Saints’ Church, Shelley & St Peter and St Marys’ Church, Stowmarket Suffolk.” Submitted for Suffolk County Council. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Evans, Jane and Carolyn Chenery. 2006 “A comparison of the strontium and oxygen isotope composition of tooth enamel from two individuals (Bartholomew Gosnold and Elizabeth Tilney (siblings?).” NIGL report 213.

Fortenberry, B.R. 2006 “Architectural Precedent and Liminal Space at James Fort, Jamestown, Virginia, 1609-1611.” Dissertation presented to the College of William and Mary.

Gibson, Bob. 2005 An Investigation into the Roots, Origins, and Affiliations of the Investors in the London Virginia Company 1607-1624.

Givens, David and Charles Durfor. 2006 Brewing at James Fort.

Guiry, Eric, et al., The ratting of North America: A 350-year retrospective on Rattus species compositions and competition. Sci. Adv. 10, eadm6755(2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm6755

Harding, Juliana. 2008 “Shell Length-At-Age Relationships in James River, Virginia, Oysters (Crassostrea Virginica) Collected Four Centuries Apart,” Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1109–15.

Harding, Juliana, Howard J. Spero, Roger Mann, Gregory S. Herbert, and Jennifer L. Sliko. 2010 “Reconstructing early 17th century estuarine drought conditions from Jamestown oysters,” PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), vol. 107 (23), 10549-10554.

Harding, Juliana, Beverly A. Straube, Brittany L. Grimm, Geerat J. Vermeij, and Howard J. Spero. 2015 “Shells and fossils collected by the earliest settlers of Jamestown, Virginia, USA,” The Nautilus, vol. 129 (2), pp. 77-82.

Hill Jr., Matthew and Ariane Thomas. 2024 “Human-Dog Relationships at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, from Zooarchaeological Analyses”. International Journal of Historical Archaeology

Horn, James. 2005. A Land as God Made it: Jamestown and the Birth of America. New York: Basic Books.

______ 2005 “‘Slaughter at Roanoak’: Finding the Lost Colonists.” Atlantic Seminar, New York University.

Horn, James, William Kelso, Douglas W. Owsley, and Beverly A. Straube. 2013 Jane: Starvation, Cannibalism, and Endurance at Jamestown. Williamsburg, Va: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and Preservation Virginia.

Howard, Kenneth. 1999 “Results of Phase I Geophysical Testing, APVA Jamestown Rediscovery Site.” Geophex LTD, Raleigh, North Carolina. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Hudgins, Carter. 2004 “Old World Industries and New World Hope: The Industrial Role of Scrap Copper at Jamestown.” Unpublished Masters Thesis. Royal Holloway, University of London. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2004 “Old World Industries and New World Hope: The Industrial Role of Scrap Copper at Jamestown,” The Journal of the Jamestown Rediscovery Center, vol. 2.

______ 2005 “Articles of Exchange or Ingredients of Metallurgy? An Examination of the Industrial Origins and Metallurgical Functions of Scrap Copper at Early Jamestown (c. 1607-1617).” Early American Studies, 3:1, pp. 32-64.

______ 2005 “Elizabethan industries in Jacobean Virginia? An Examination of the Industrial Origins and Metallurgical Functions of Scrap Sheet Copper at Jamestown (c. 1607-1610).” Doctoral dissertation, Royal Holloway, University of London. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2005 “From the Mines to the Colonies: Archaeological Evidence for the Exchange and Metallurgical Usage of English copper in Early 17th Century Virginia and Ireland.” In Press. Society of Post Medieval Archaeology Monograph Series.

______ 2005 “An Interim Report Concerning the Chemical Analysis of Copper-Base Artifacts Recovered from the Werowocomoco Site (44GL32).” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2005 “Jamestown’s ‘damnable and private trade’ of copper. Archaeological evidence for the exchange, inundation and devaluation of Jamestown trade copper in the Powhatan chiefdom as seen from the Kiskiak and Paspahegh sites.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2007 “Chemistry in the New World,” Chemical Heritage, vol. 25, number 2, pp. 20-27.

Johnson, Gerald. Unknown date. “Preliminary Geology of Jamestown Island, Virginia.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Jones, John G. 2014 Pollen analysis of soil from a 1607 planting furrow, Report submitted to the Rediscovery Center.

Kelso, William M. 1995 Jamestown Rediscovery I: Search for 1607 James Fort. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

______ 1996 Jamestown Rediscovery II: Search for 1607 James Fort. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

______ 2006 Jamestown, the Buried Truth. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

______ 2007 “Lost Cities, Jamestown,” in Discovery! Unearthing the New Treasures of Archaeology, ed. Brain Fagan. Thames and Hudson, London.

______ 2009 “Archaeology of Early Colonial Settlement in the Emerging Atlantic World,” Society for Historical Archaeology, ed. William Kelso.

______ 2011 “Jamestown Lost and Found,” The Colonial Williamsburg Journal.

______ 2012 “Jamestown Rediscovery: The Excavation Process,” in Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, ed. Paul Bahn and Colin Renfrew. Thames and Hudson, 6th edition.

______. 2013 “Slated for History: a study in Tudor-Stuart historical archaeology at Jamestown, Virginia,” in A Glorious Empire: Archaeology and the Tudor-Stuart Atlantic World, ed. Eric C. Klingelhofer.

Kelso, William M., Nicholas M. Luccketti, and Beverly A. Straube. 1997 Jamestown Rediscovery III. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

Kelso, William, and Beverly Straube. 1997 1996 Interim Report on the APVA Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

______ 1998 Jamestown Rediscovery IV. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

______ 1999 Jamestown Rediscovery V. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

Kelso, William M., and Beverly A. Straube. 2000 Jamestown Rediscovery VI. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

Kelso, William M., J. Eric Deetz, Seth W. Mallios, and Beverly A. Straube. 200. Jamestown Rediscovery VII. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond.

Kelso, William M. 2007. “Jamestown Rediscovery: an introduction,” Post-Medieval Archaeology 40/1 (2006), pp. 28–32.

Kelso, William M., and Beverly Straube, eds. 2008. 2000-2006 Interim Report on the APVA Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

Kelso, William M., Beverly Straube, and Daniel Schmidt, eds. 2012. 2007-2010 Interim Report on the Preservation Virginia Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

Key, M.M., Rossi, R.K. Sourcing the Early Colonial Knight’s Black “Marble” Tombstone at Jamestown, Virginia, USA. Int J Histor Archaeol (2024).

King, Gary Andrew, Allison Bain, and Frédéric Dussault. 2010. Assessment of insect remains from a colonial well (JR2158; Structure 177) at James Fort, Jamestown, Virginia. Laboratoire d’archéologie environnementale, CELAT, Université Laval, Québec, QC Canada G1K 7P4. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

Kuykendall, Erin. 2006. “‘Protecting its Worldly Goods from Thieves’: A Study of Locks and Lock Parks from Jamestown, Virginia and its Hinterland.” Thesis submitted for the BA in Anthropology at the College of William and Mary.

Lapham, Heather A. 2001. “More Than ‘A Few Blew Beads’: The Glass and Stone Beads from Jamestown Rediscovery’s 1994-1997 Excavations” The Journal of the Rediscovery Center Vol. 1 University of Virginia.

Ligman, Michael S. 2013 “‘Put that in you Pipe and Smoke it’: An Exploratory Study of Native American Ceramic Tobacco Pipes at the James Fort Site in Virginia Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence.” MA Thesis, University of Massachusetts Boston. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Lounsbury, Carl, Willie Graham, Darin Ostrom, and Billie Graham. December 2004. The Early Church at Jamestown, Virginia: A History and Precedents for its Design and Reconstruction. Architectural Research Department of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation report for Jamestown Settlement.

Luccketti, Nicholas M., William M. Kelso, and Beverly A. Straube. 1994. APVA Jamestown Rediscovery Field Report 1994. Richmond, Virginia.

Luccketti, Nicholas, and Beverly Straube. 1998. 1997 Interim Report on the APVA Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

Luccketti, Nicholas, and Beverly Straube. 1999. 1998 Interim Report on the APVA Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

Mallios, Seth, and Beverly Straube. 2000. 1999 Interim Report on the APVA Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.

Mallios, Seth and Shane Emmett. 2004. “Demand, Supply and Elasticity in the Copper Trade at Early Jamestown,” The Journal of the Jamestown Rediscovery Center, vol. 2.

Martin, Edward and Joanna Martin. 2005. Evidence for the Burial Places of Two Maternal-Line Relatives of Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold of Virginia.

Martinon-Torres, Marcos and Thilo Rehren. 2005. “Analysis and Interpretation of Some Crucible Fragments From Jamestown.” Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Matheson, Carney. “Various DNA studies at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

McKnight, Justine. 2002. “The Identification of wood from JR 1101.” Unpublished manuscript with correspondences. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2011. “Archeobotanical Analysis of Archived Soil from the James Fort Period Well (STR 177).” Unpublished report prepared for the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological project. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2012. “Archeobotanical Analysis of Feature Fill from Three James Fort Period Features. A Pilot Study.” Unpublished report prepared for the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological project. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

McKeown, Ashley. “Ludwell Statehouse Group Burial Descriptions: Field Notes and Descriptions.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2003. “Jamestown LSG Burial Summary.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2004. “Analysis of Twelve LSG Burials 1/12/04 Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2009. “the usual burying place by James Citte”: An Archaeological Report on the Jamestown Statehouse Complex Burial Ground Project at Jamestown, Virginia.” Report submitted to Virginia Department of Historic Resources Richmond, Virginia DHR permit No. 2000-1530 Association.

Melton, Terry; Kimberlyn Nelson. 2005. “DNA sampling on possible Gosnold remains.” Testing done by Mitotyping Technologies, LLC. 2565 Park Center Boulevard, Suite 200 State College, PA 16801. Case #2477. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2005. “DNA sampling on remains of woman found in Shelley.” Testing done by Mitotyping Technologies, LLC. 2565 Park Center Boulevard, Suite 200 State College, PA 16801. Case #2477. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Monroe, Cameron, Seth Mallios, and Quinn Emmett. 2004. “A Dating Formula for Colono Tobacco Pipes in the Chesapeake,” The Journal of the Jamestown Rediscovery Center, vol. 2.

Owen, Victor J., John D. Greenough, Beverly Straube. 2014. “Compositional Characteristics of Jamestown ‘Tryal’ Glass (Virginia, ca. 1608).” in Historical Archaeology. vol. 48, pp. 76-94.

Owsley, Douglas, Karin Bruwelheide, and Rebecca Kardash. 2001. “Recovery and Analysis of Jamestown Rediscovery South Churchyard Burials from the 1999 Field Season” The Journal of the Rediscovery Center, Vol. 1 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

Owsley, Douglas and Karen Bruwelheide. 2005. Mitochondrial DNA Sampling at Shelley Church, Suffolk County, England. National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2005. Comments on Mitochondrial DNA Sampling at Shelley Church, Suffolk County, England by the Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Christian Burials in England (APACBE). Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Owsley, Douglas and Douglas Ubelaker. 2003. “Isotopic Evidence for Diet in the Seventeenth-Century Colonial Chesapeake,” American Antiquity, vol. 68, no. 1. Published by Society for American Archaeology.

Owsley, Douglas et al. “Two Early 17th Century Burials from James Fort, Jamestown Island, Virginia,” submitted to DHR (Ethel Eaton) May 2, 2002., resubmitted by hand 2003 and in 2004 1/14/04. Typescript 54 pages.

Owsley, Douglas. “Notes on Forensic Examination of Burial JR1046.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______ 2006. Owsley submitted a bone sample to Geochron Laboratories to do a radiocarbon age determination on the woman’s remains from Shelley. This a one page document submitted by Geochron with the results. 711 Concord Ave. Cambridge Mass. 02138.

Owsley, Douglas and Kari Bruwelheide. 2013. “Fragmented Human Bones from James Fort.” Unpublished manuscript on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Parno, Travis G. 2006. “A case for Catholicism: a contextual study of religious small-finds from historic James Fort, Jamestown, Virginia.” Thesis submitted for the BA in Anthropology at the College of William and Mary 2006

Pasley, Heather R. 2009. “Groundwater Hydrology and Contamination on Jamestown Island, VA: A Study of the Geochemistry and Microbiology of Groundwater.” Thesis submitted for the BS in Geology at the College of William and Mary. Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Pecoraro, Luke. 2005. “The Prehistoric Nature of Jamestown and Native American Ceramics: A Settlement Patterning and Ceramic Study of Virginia’s Coastal Plain.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Pecoraro, Luke and David Givens. 2005. “…like to perish from want of succor or reliefe”: The Problems and Solutions to Provisioning the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake During Times of Change. Post-Medieval Archaeology, vol. 40/1

Reber, Eleanora A. 1999. “Report on a Preliminary Project on the Identification of Maize in Absorbed Pottery Residues from Sites Throughout the New World” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Rieley, William. 2001. Preliminary Assessment of Selected 17th Century Surveys at Jamestown Island, Virginia. Vol. 1. Rieley and Associates, Charlottesville, Virginia.

______ 2001. Preliminary Assessment of Selected 17th Century Surveys at Jamestown Island, Virginia. Vol. 2. Rieley and Associates, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Schmidt, Daniel and Dexter Haven. 2004. “A Pilot Study on the origins of Oysters at James Fort,” The Journal of the Jamestown Rediscovery Center, vol. 2.

Schmidt, Daniel. 2004. “The Role of Fishing in the Sustenance of the Early Jamestown Colony: The First Decade.” Unpublished Masters thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2006, “Subsistence fishing at Jamestown, 1607-1624,” Post-Medieval Archaeology, vol. 40/1, pp. 80-95.

Smith, Donald. 2000. “Searching for Bonds between Pot and Potter, A Pilot Study on the Chemical Sourcing of Pottery from the Parnassus Farm Site (44AU643).” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

______. 2000. “Report on Analysis of Copper Based Artifacts.” Unpublished report on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Smith, Edmond. 2022. “Reinterpreting the Virginia Plantation, 1609–1618.” Journal of British Studies, vol. 61/4, pp. 884-914. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/jbr.2022.112.

Straube, Beverly, and Nicholas Luccketti. 1996. 1995 Interim Report. Richmond, Virginia.

Straube, Bly 2006. “‘Unfitt for any moderne service’? Arms and armour from James Fort,” Post-Medieval Archaeology, vol. 40/1, pp. 33-61.

Straube, Beverly A. 2007. The Archaearium: Rediscovering Jamestown 1607-1699, Jamestown, Virginia. [Jamestown, Va.]: Historic Jamestowne.

______. 2011. “Incorporating the Other: A Seventeenth-Century Virginia Indian Basket Rendered in Clay,” in Ceramics in America, ed. Robert Hunter.

______. 2013. “‘A sure token of their being there’: Artefacts from England’s Colonial Ventures at Roanoke and Jamestown.” in Exploring Atlantic Traditions: Archaeologies of Transience and Permanence in New Found Lands, ed. Peter Pope & Shannon Lewis-Simpson. 190-201.

______. 2013. “‘Like Daffodils and Oak Trees’: an examination of 17th century earthenware costrels from Jamestown, Virginia,” in A Glorious Empire: Archaeology and the Tudor-Stuart Atlantic World, ed. Eric C. Klingelhofer.

______. 2013. “The Geoff Egan Memorial Lecture 2012: Surprises from the soil: archaeological discoveries from England’s first successful transatlantic colony at Jamestown,” Post-Medieval Archaeology, vol. 47/2, pp. 263-280.

______. 2014. “‘And he that in Virginia shall copper coin receive’ Explicating an Undocumented Fiscal Scheme in the Early English Settlement at Jamestown through the Archaeological Evidence.” Doctoral Thesis, School of Archaeology and Ancient History University of Leicester. On file at the Rediscovery Center.

Torres, Marcos Martinon and Thilo Rehren. 2005. Analysis and interpretation of some crucible fragments from Jamestown. Institute of Archaeology, University College London.

Warder, Bill. May 2001. Seasonal Training Exercise-Historical documents do not agree on the number of settlers first sent to Virginia to establish Jamestown in 1607. So which primary source(s) do we believe and why?

Well Water Studies. Structure 170(2002) and 177(2006) Water quality reports on file at the Rediscovery Center.

Winchcombe, Reachel. 2023. “The Limits of Disgust: Eating the Inedible During Jamestown’s Starving Time.” Global Food History, DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2234252