In 2011 archaeological excavations continued to uncover the remains of James Fort’s first substantial church near the center of the fort. Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists also indentified a small mud-in-stud building or post-in-ground structure, which may have been the fort’s court of guard. A court of guard would have served as a building for soldiers at the ready and would have contained weapons. In addition, a site was begun just outside of the fort’s 1607 east palisade wall in an area that became part of a 1608 expansion to the fort. A late 17th-century well was discovered and investigated by the archaeologists near the Captain John Smith monument. There were also excavations of the Confederate Fort Pocahontas built in 1861, and visitors could see the revealed details of an underground bombproof or large power magazine. The following monthly Dig Updates will give more detail on these excavations.

Dig Update Archive, 2004-present

2011 Dig Updates