
Colonial Remedies Tea Tin – Lemon Balm


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Colonial Remedies no. 6b

Lemon Balm as a remedy

Steeped as a tea, the colonists sipped lemon balm as for its uplifting effects: “balme makes the heart merry and joyfull, and strengtheneth vitall spirits… it drives away the care of the minde.” – The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes (1596) – J. Gerard

Lemon balm has an subtle aroma of citrus that makes it useful a a strewing herb to freshen rooms. It is also valuable as a plant that is known to attract bees.

Contents: 20 Teabags – Lemon Balm Leaves

Product hand packaged by Oliver Pluff & Co. in Charleston, South Carolina.

Additional information

Weight .27 lbs