
Colonial Blend Single Pot Coffee


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In colonial times, coffee had strong competition from wines, liquors, and imported teas. Consequently, coffee was not widely consumed among colonists until their agitation against King George arose due to the fateful tea tax, which is undoubtedly responsible for America becoming a nation of coffee drinkers instead of tea drinkers. Coffee was supplied to the American colonies by trade from the East Indies (Sumatra), and the West Indies (islands of Haiti and Jamaica).

Description: There is an aroma or “nose” to the fresh roast authentic Colonial Blend. Colonial Blend Coffee is a balanced blend, with fruity notes balanced by richer Sumatran black coffee flavors.

Ingredients: Roasted East Indies and West Indies coffee

Contents: 1.5 oz Coffee Blend – Makes 8 cups

Product hand packaged by Oliver Pluff & Co. in Charleston, South Carolina.


Prior to traveling to Jamestown, John Smith had many experiences in Turkey. During this time he was introduced to coffee, a drink that was just gaining popularity in Europe.

“Their best Drink is Coffee, of a grain they call Coava, boiled with Water; and Sherbeck, which is only Honey and Water…” — John Smith on The Turkish Diet in “The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captain John Smith”

Additional information

Weight .11 lbs