1611 results found for:

Southey, Ann

Given Name: Ann (Anna)
Surnames: Southey (Soothey, Sothey); Harmar (Harmor, Harmer, Harman; Farmer); Littleton
Spouses: Charles Harmar (separate record available); Nathaniel Littleton (in this record)

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Spencer, William

Given Name: William
Surname: Spencer (Spence)

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Spilman, Thomas

Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Spilman (Spellman, Spillman, Spelman)
Spouse: Hannah Boyle (separate record available)
No confirmed surviving descendants

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Stephens, Richard

Given Name: Richard
Surname: Stephens
Spouse: Elizabeth Peirsey (in this record and in the record of her father, Abraham Peirsey)

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Smith, Arthur

Given Name: Arthur
Surname: Smith (Smyth)

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Smith, Roger

Given Name: Roger
Surname: Smith
Spouse: Joane Peirce (in this record and in the records of her parents, William and Joane Peirce)
No confirmed surviving descendants

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Savage, Thomas

Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Savage (Savadge)
Spouse: Ann (Hannah) Savage (maiden name unknown) (in this record)

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Sharp, Elizabeth

Given Name: Elizabeth
Surnames: Maiden name unknown; Sharp (Sharpe); Packer (Parker, Paker); Baugh
Spouses: William Sharp (separate record available); Thomas Packer (in this record); William Baugh (in this record)

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Sharp, William

Given Name: William
Surname: Sharp (Sharpe)
Spouse: Elizabeth Sharp (separate record available)

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Sheppey, Thomas

Given Name: Thomas
Surname: Sheppey (Sheepey, Sheppy)

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Slaughter, John

Given Name: John
Surname: Slaughter (Slater)
Spouse: Anne Slaughter (maiden name unknown) (in this record)
Probable but unproven descendants

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Smith, Richard

Given Name: Richard
Surname: Smith

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