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September 2014

 The button from a doublet jacket of the type Captain John Smith wore in his portrait. A copper alloy finger ring with the remains of […]

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August 2014

 Interesting artifacts started appearing even as Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists did preliminary preparation of the large pit feature near the corner of the James Fort extension. […]

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July 2014

 The pieces of brick found in large depression just north of the 1907 Memorial Church could be remnants from a brick church that stood more than 300 […]

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June 2014

 For years the outstretched arms of Pocahontas have beckoned visitors to explore. Now it looks like she was also trying to call the attention of […]

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May 2014

 In June a new exhibit at the Voorhees Archaearium will reveal new details about the material world of Virginia’s Native peoples and their interaction with […]

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April 2014

 Jamestown Rediscovery archaeologists have returned to an area outside the western palisade of James Fort where they worked a decade ago, near where they found […]

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