Brick with dog print
Brick with dog print

A common occurrence among handmade bricks are bricks with animal prints. Printed bricks were accidentally made when errant animals got into the drying area and stepped on the raw bricks. The bricks were still used unless they were completely misshapen, although even that didn’t completely disqualify them from use. A number of bricks, and a floor tile with prints from pigs, dogs, raccoons, and a possible goose have been found by archaeologists at Jamestown!

The Jamestown collection also includes bricks with fingerprints on them, providing a tangible connection to the 17th century Jamestown brickmakers. As they were laying out the bricks to dry, turning the bricks to one of the sides to aid the drying process, or possibly when they were preparing the clamp or kiln to be fired, brickmakers left their fingerprints on the still-wet bricks. Placing our fingers into these impressions can transport us back 400 years to experience the same sensation that people living and working on Jamestown Island experienced.

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