6:45pm - 7:45pm
Tales of “Tales of All Hallows’ Eve”: A Haunted Evening at Historic Jamestowne 
Location: Program begins at the Historic Jamestowne Visitor Center
Peer into the world of our 17th-century ancestors and learn what scared them the most. A unique opportunity to see Jamestown Island aglow with firelight, “Tales of All Hallows’ Eve”: A Haunted Evening at Historic Jamestowne will be presented on Saturday, October 21, at 6:45pm & 8:00pm.
Hear actual eyewitness accounts of conjurations and witchcraft from 17th-century Virginia, brought to life through character interpretations. Each story will be introduced with historical context that will offer how the perceived “supernatural” events evolved to blur logic and create fear for those who experienced them first hand. And it is the legacy of this fear of the unknown, darkness, and the misunderstood that is still echoed every October 31st.