14 results found for: nba

Save Jamestown

Jamestown was England’s first permanent settlement in America and a place of sustained cultural encounters among different peoples, which laid the foundations of modern America’s richly […]

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Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676

This volume resumes the story of Governor William Berkeley upon his return from England in 1659, then moves the reader quickly to that quintessential political imbroglio […]

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Shot Sprue

Object number – 06395-JR Material – Iron Place of Origin – England Date – c. 1608-1610 Context – First Well Location – Collections Category – Arms […]

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May 2018

In May, Jamestown Rediscovery added five new archaeologists to the team who will be working through the summer. New staff members include Chardé Reid and […]

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February 2018

When Rediscovery archaeologists began excavating in the east end of the 1907 Memorial Church in the fall of 2016, they uncovered an unexpected assortment of artifacts […]

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March 2015

The footprint of the original James Fort is a military site, so 21 years of archaeology has uncovered a lot of iron tools, armor, and weapons. […]

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January 2013

 In the wintertime, with fieldwork temporarily at a halt, conservation efforts in the laboratory are aided by the addition of staff archaeologist Don Warmke who […]

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June 2012

 This summer eight different 10-by-10 foot units will be opened just south of the 1907 Memorial Church. In June the 2012 Field School students began […]

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November 2009

A wooden barrel has been discovered about eleven feet deep into an early 17th-century well. The barrel was used as a lining to keep the clay […]

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July 2009

Artifacts continue to pour out of what is likely James Fort’s first well, built under the direction of Captain John Smith in early 1609. Sword blades and […]

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July 2008

Despite the intense Virginia heat, the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeological team and the students from the 2008 Field School have made steady progress excavating 10′ x 10′ squares inside […]

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April 2007

Archaeologists excavating an area near the western palisade wall of James Fort are pushing east along the shore of the James River. Excavations in 2005 led […]

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